November 9, 2008

Silverstone Raven Gaming Mouse Has a Tumor on the Side, Can't Possibly Be Comfortable [Gaming]

Silverstone's Raven gaming mouse looks really interesting at first glance, what with the giant, glowing and strangely hypnotic tumor bolted to its side. It appears to be a secondary scroll wheel, which sits next to the usual thumb buttons. And you've got another pair of buttons next to your middle finger. But when you think about the ergonomics, it just don't work. How can it possibly be comfortable to hold with that massive wart bulging out? Check out this top down view to see what I mean.

Also, NZXT's Avatar pulled some similar side button trickery as the Silverstone, which resulted in you accidentally mashing the side button every time you picked up the mouse. The Raven's side buttons don't look quite as haphazardly placed, so it might not be the case. When we get one in our hands maybe our doubts will be blown by away by this 3200dpi monster, but hold on to that $85 in the meantime.
( Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog )